WhizzKids United Health Academy (clinic providing youth friendly services, YFS)
WKU Health Academies are our very own youth friendly sexual and reproductive health clinics situated in Edendale, South Africa and Jisonayilli, Ghana.
The focus in South Africa is HIV Counselling and Testing, one-on-one sexual risk counselling, couple counselling, ARV treatment and psychosocial support, family planning, management and treatment of STI’s and orphans and vulnerable children support programmes. We are one of the largest, if not the largest, youth friendly clinic in South Africa and the KwaZulu Natal Department of Health partners with us providing a Doctor, Nurses, Cleaner, Data Capturer, Security etc.
In Ghana our focus is more on reproductive health services, Hep B testing and full medical screening. Again, we partner with the local Department of Health which helps ensure long term sustainability,